Thomas Bellembois

Thomas Bellembois

Building Torque/MAUI RPM on SL6

Procedure used with the 3.0.4 versions of Torque and 3.3.1 of MAUI on SL6.



Getting the source code

Go to to download the 3.0.4 version.


Install the devtoolset-2 and rpm-build packages to compile and build the RPMs.

    wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/slc6-devtoolset.repo
    yum install devtoolset-2
    yum install rpm-build

Building the Torque RPMs.

    rpmbuild -tb --define '_prefix /opt/torque-3.0.4' --define '_with-rcp rcp --enable-clients'  torque-3.0.4.tar.gz

RPMs are generated in /root/rpmbuild/.

We can pass the compilation options with --define '_variable _value'. To see the possible options, untar the torque-3.0.4.tar.gz file and edit the torque.spec file. Variables are named like %{_variable}.

For example the file defines %{_prefix} to pass --define '_prefix /opt/torque-3.0.4' as an option to rpmbuild. Note that you have to remove %{}.


Getting the source code

Go to to download the version 3.3.1.

Torque installation

You need to install Torque to build the MAUI RPM..

    yum localinstall /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/torque-*.rpm

MAUI compilation

    tar zxvf maui-3.3.1.tar.gz
    cd maui-3.3.1
    ./configure --prefix=/opt/maui-3.3.1 --with-pbs=/opt/torque-3.0.4

Building the RPM with fpm

fpm installation

    yum install rubygems ruby-devel
    gem install fpm

MAUI Makefile modification for fpm

fpm can build an RPM package from a makefile defining the target make install DESTDIR=/path/to/install.

We have to adapt the MAUI makefile with:

    sed -i'.bkp' 's/\$(INST_DIR)/\$(DESTDIR)\/\$(INST_DIR)/g' src/*/Makefile
    sed -i'' 's/\$(MSCHED_HOME)/\$(DESTDIR)\/\$(MSCHED_HOME)/g' src/*/Makefile

Preparing the fpm resources

Installing MAUI in a temporary directory:

    DESTDIR=/tmp/maui make install

Setting up the initialisation scripts:

    mkdir /tmp/maui/usr
    mkdir /tmp/maui/etc
    mkdir /tmp/maui/etc/profile.d
    mkdir /tmp/maui/etc/init.d
    cp etc/maui.d /tmp/maui/etc/init.d/
    cp etc/maui.{csh,sh} /tmp/maui/etc/profile.d/

Then edit the /tmp/maui/etc/init.d/maui.d file to set the variable MAUI_PREFIX=/opt/maui-3.3.1.

Create a file /tmp/maui/ with:

chkconfig --add maiu.d
chkconfig --level 3456 maui.d on

Create a file /tmp/maui/ with:

chkconfig --del maui.d

Building the RPM

    fpm -s dir -t rpm -n maui -v 3.3.1 -C /tmp/maui \
-p /tmp/maui-3.3.1-x86_64-fpmbuild.rpm --post-install /tmp/maui/ \
--pre-uninstall /tmp/maui/ etc usr opt

The package is created in /tmp/maui-3.3.1-x86_64-fpmbuild.rpm.

Checking the RPM

    rpm -q --filesbypkg -p /tmp/maui-3.3.1-x86_64-fpmbuild.rpm